We are always looking for new engaged teachers to join our team
Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Nidra, kundalini, Pilates, Barre, meditation, healers, and whatever might be a good fit with our agenda and classes :)
Simply send us an email to jobsyhb@gmail.com attaching:
1. A short video of you teaching, can be 10-20 minutes, and self home-made.
2. Your CV
3. Your availability to teach
Looking forward to your application,
Yoga Hub Berlin's team

“Work done in the right attitude becomes consecrated; becomes a sacred act. A life consecrated in doing selfless acts will become a divine life.” – Swami Sivananda
Practice yoga for FREE in return for some help at the studio with different chores, administration and community managing.
* in-studio help - at least 1 regular shift every week
** every shift is 2 hours
*** commitment for at least 6 months